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Planned ANS featured topics!

As ANS readers have noticed, we no longer devote entire issues to a specific topic, but we do announce topics to feature in each issue.  This provides a good balance between our tradition of calling forth scholarship on timely issues in nursing and health care, and an open door for the wide range of topics that nurse scholars are exploring.  Here are the topics we have planned for the next 6 issues:

Best Evidence for Nursing Practice
Vol 43:2 –  June 2020
Manuscript due date: October 15, 2019 ​
Vol 43:2
Even though the ideal of practice based on evidence has flourished over several decades, the achievement of consistently sound practice, in nursing and in other disciplines as well, still eludes even the most well-intentioned practitioners.  For this issue of ANS we seek manuscripts that explore this dilema, examing questions such as ‘what constitutes evidence?” and “what constitutes the best evidence?” We also seek manuscripts that provide exemplars of best evidence and best practices. 

Methods for Nursing Knowledge Development
Vol 43:3 –  September 2020
Manuscript due date: January 15, 2020
Vol 43:3
We seek innovative approaches to knowledge development in relation to all patterns of knowing in nursing. We also welcome manuscripts that critique any methodologic approach, manuscripts that explore the philosophic, including ethical underpinnings related to the development of nursing knowledge, and manuscripts that address the critical connections between practice and knowledge development approaches.
Humanizing Precision Science
Vol 43:4 –  December 2020
Manuscript due date: April 15, 2020
Vol 43:3
One of the trends of our time is the development of “precision science” – a trend that deserves careful consideration going forward. We seek manuscripts for this issue that provides assessment, explanation, evaluation and critique of this trend in light of the underlying foundations of nursology. This featured topic intentionally calls for both rigor and creativity that provides avenues for discussion and possible new directions in the development of our discipline.
Social Influences on Health
Vol 44:1 –  March 2021
Manuscript due date: July 15, 2020
Awareness of social influences on health (often called social determinants of health) has grown in recent decades as social, political and environmental challenges have increasingly threatened the health and all it inhabitants.  For this issue we invite articles addressing specific nursing approaches related to these issues, and advances in nursing knowledge that forms a foundation for nursing’s contributions to this important area of focus.
Historical Trauma & Health
Vol 44:2 –  June 2021
Manuscript due date: October 15, 2020
Nursing has a long history of practice and scholarship related to the care of people who experience trauma of all types. However, the health effects of historical trauma only recently have begun to be conceptualized and understood as a significant determinant of health.  For this issue of ANS, we invite scholarship that addresses this important connection and provides a clear perspective founded on nursing’s fundamental values. We welcome research reports, philosophic, including ethics analysis, and exploration of theory and evidence guided practice.
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